Better Writing Assignments Start with Critical Reading Praxis December 5, 2019
Composition pedagogy upholds the important point that student writers improve with writing practice. But student writers further benefit from writing assignments that emphasize the role of critical reading.

Student Self-Assessment: Reframing Assessment as Learning April 24, 2019
Assessment can be a nurturing or damaging learning experience for our students. Student self-assessment can mitigate some of the negative effects of assessment and promote student learning.

"Active Learning" Has Become a Buzzword (and Why That Matters) July 17, 2018
The term seems to have joined the ranks of other kinds of higher education jargon. We provide some suggestions for moving forward.

Resiliency: Why Growth Mindsets and Grit are Just Pieces of a Larger Puzzle April 5, 2018
We all agree that it is important for our students to be resilient when encountering intellectual challenges and obstacles. But there are many ways to achieve this goal.

Research on Student Ratings Continues to Evolve. We Should, Too. February 22, 2018
Three years ago I wrote a short post on student ratings that is still being shared by faculty and administrators. Like many of our readers, I've spent the last three years trying to keep up with the ever expanding literature. I haven't been impressed with everything I've read, but at least two studies published in the last year were significant enough to warrant an update.