2024-2025 theme: Hard without Hardship
This year's programming is inspired by recent trends related to wellbeing in higher education contexts. Across our programming, we'll discuss how to challenge students in the classroom while supporting wellbeing.
INSTILL: Instructor Network to Support Teaching Innovation and eLevate Learning
INSTILL mini-grants provide an opportunity for faculty to do the logistics planning and organizational work necessary to implement a concrete improvement in one of their courses. Sessions consist of consultations, independent work time, and collaboration facilitated by CTE faculty and collaborators. Participating faculty receive a nominal grant for every INSTILL session that they attend as recognition and incentive for implementing evidence-based changes in their classroom. The grant workshops culminate in an annual showcase in which participating faculty highlight changes they made and insights they gained during the process; the CTE also compiles a portfolio of explanatory handouts for each course change as well as samples of before-and-after course materials.
Learn more about INSTILL mini-grants and view past projects here.
Reading Groups
Each semester, the CTE leads a Reading Group on an important book in the field of teaching and learning. The Reading Group is open to all faculty, staff, and graduate students at Rice and is a terrific chance to discuss research on teaching with colleagues from many disciplines. Copies of the selected book and meeting lunches are provided for all participants.
The Fall 2024 reading group selection is: Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom by Robert Eaton, Steven V. Hunsaker, and Bonnie Moon.
Faculty Learning Communities
Faculty learning communities span the academic year and encourage faculty to engage with evidenced-based pedagogies in a collaborative, supportive, peer-led environment. Each FLC culminates in the development of an implementation plan for the following academic year.
Learn more and see upcoming FLCs here.
Pedagogical Sciences in Practice
This series of presentations and panels highlights Rice faculty research in pedagogical sciences and provides comprehensive guidance for faculty and graduate students who are carrying out research on learning in their classrooms. CTE faculty and partners are available to consult at all stages of the research process, including submitting the IRB application, designing assessment tools, analyzing data, and preparing publications or presentations.
Browse our collection of research resources to learn more about how you can get involved with education research at Rice.
SST@R: Social Support for Teaching at Rice
This series of informal gatherings serves to strengthen interpersonal connections in Rice's teaching community and enhance collaboration among faculty, staff, and graduate students. View SST@R dates and photos here.
Graduate Student Programming
With the help of our Graduate Fellows, the CTE hosts several workshops that are specifically tailored to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. More information, including topics and dates for AY24-25 will be posted on our Graduate Programs page as it becomes available.