Umbrella IRB for Teaching-Related Research
The CTE leads an umbrella research protocol for faculty and graduate students who are conducting teaching-related research. The protocol has streamlined the IRB process for pedagogical research projects since its introduction and has also increased Rice’s visibility nationally with respect to teaching and learning initiatives.
For more information, or to sign up under the protocol, click here.
Pedagogical Research Publications
In addition to supporting Rice researchers' development of pedagogical research projects, we assist in disseminating scholarly work. Visit our pedagogical research publications area to view a collection of Rice pedagogical publications, access recent scholarship, and learning more about submitting your work.
Educational Grants
The CTE faculty are available to collaborate on grants related to undergraduate education or graduate training and curriculum. Visit our Grant Collaborations page to learn more about the levels of support that we offer and request a consultation.
Pedagogical Sciences in Practice (PSP)
This series of presentations and panels highlights Rice faculty research in pedagogical sciences. Under this program, the CTE also provides comprehensive guidance for faculty and graduates students on all stages of the research process, including IRB submission, designing assessment tools, analyzing data, and preparing publications and presentations.
Ongoing Research in Pedagogical Sciences
Rice faculty are engaged in many exciting projects on teaching innovation! To view past and current research by our faculty, visit our Pedagogy Projects page.